- To sustain a sense of oneness among our communities irrespective of cast and beliefs.
- To invoke cultural nationalism
- To enlighten the Indian diaspora of Kuwait about the major schemes of Government of India
- To organize women into self-help groups and develop their leadership qualities
- To facilitate making decisions at personal and social levels.
Major Activities
- Welfare Activities
- Socio-cultural engagements with the resident communities
- Organizing women into self-help groups
- Conducting entertainment programmes
समानी व आकूति: समाना ह्रदयानि व:
समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा व: सुसहासति॥
Samani va akutih samana hrdayani vah:
samanamastu vomano yatha vah susahasati.
United be your purpose, harmonious be your feelings, collected be your mind, in the same way as all the various aspects of the universe exist in togetherness, wholeness. (Rig Veda)
For the thousands in the Indian diaspora of Kuwait, the Bharatiya Pravasi Parishad is now a powerful symbol of patriotism which they hold close to their heart. Amongst the numerous well established expatriate organisations of Kuwait, the BPP is relatively a young organisation with a humble beginning.
संगच्छध्वं संवदध्वं
सं वो मनांसि जानताम्
देवा भागं यथा पूर्वे
सञ्जानाना उपासते ||
Sangachhadhwam samvadadhwam samvo manaansi jaanataam.
Devaa bhaagam yathaa poorve sam janaanaa upaasate.
May you move in harmony, speak in one voice; let your minds be in agreement; just as the ancient gods shared their portion of sacrifice. (Rig Veda)
For those who uphold the ancient culture, tradition and nationalism above segregation based on caste, religion and language, BPP has been successful in providing a forum for congregating in harmony prioritising the feeling that we are Indians first. With a singular purpose of upholding nationalism, BPP has been able to bring our brethrens from different states of India under a single umbrella integrating their aims and aspirations with that of BPP just as a beautiful garland woven from different fragrant flowers.
संहति परार्थतः
Samhathi pararthath – A meeting for social upliftment
Independence Day and Republic Day are the two national festivals predominantly celebrated by BPP. In addition, BPP also commemorates the martyred soldiers and sacrifices of bravehearts of Indian freedom struggle remembering with reverence and gratitude their services to our great nation. Thousands participate and show their solidarity in “Pravasi Mahotsav” a grand event conducted once in two years by BPP which provides a platform for social awareness and service to mankind. BPP has also been diligently arranging study classes led by eminent personalities to instil disciplined action among the activists and to inspire them to work for the society with zeal from within the organisation.
BPP has always taken the initiative to resolve social and employment related issues faced by expatriate brethren’s. Most of these efforts have yielded positive results while some are in the process of being resolved. A combined effort of all members of BPP has provided the necessary momentum to similar socio- economic endeavors and we will continue to do so tirelessly and selflessly to make the lives of the less fortunate brethren’s better.
Antyodaya, means uplifting of the weakest section of the society
BPP is an organisation motivated by the slogan Eka Bharat Sreshta Bharat. We have undertaken a very tedious task of bringing together like-minded Indians to persist for the common welfare of the society, by inspiring them to think beyond the narrow constraints of caste and religion and work unanimously for the progress of our great nation India through incandescently pure organisational activities. Anthyodhaya or Let the very last person in last line of the society too rise and shine….in otherwords ensuring that the downtrodden is uplifted is the leading principle of BPP and this ideal is fuelling us forward. Each person is like a cell. Just as cells join to form organs, so do humans coordinate and cooperate in a society to form diverse organisations all leading to the welfare of the nation. This principal of Integral Humanism is the leading light of BPP.
कर्ण्वन्तो विश्वं आर्यम्
Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam which means “To Make the World Noble”. (Rig Veda)
मित्रस्य चक्षुषा समिक्षमहे
Mitrasya Chakshusha samikshamahe” – May we Look at All with an Equal and Friendly Eye ((Yajur Veda)
Indians have always prayed for universal welfare. Upholding this great tradition let us all pray that along with our Motherland India let our foster country Kuwait who feeds us, also flourish.
BPP continues it glorious journey only because of the patronage of each and everyone of its members and well-wishers. Praying wholeheartedly and hoping that all of you would continue to do so….